Saturday 25 August 2012

Hohhot - Mongolia 25.08.12 - 26.08.12

The sun set on our exit from China and we settled in for a very long night, we passed through the border of Mongolia and immediately I could sense the change in landscape. Even in the moonlight I could see the outline of the rolling hills and steppe. But my favourite part was the stars.....just lying back and watching a sparkling blanket through the window above the ever changing outline of Mongolia's landscape. I drifted off to sleep watching the stars and listening to Eddie Vedder's 'Society' .
At 4:30am like clockwork I snapped awake and just sat up and watched the sky, in that moment I felt an amazing connection to where I was and what I was doing, completely at peace with myself knowing that finally after many years of dreaming I was finally here. I had a little smile to myself and lay back down to sleep.

30 hours and many passport checks later after one 10 hour stop in the middle of nowhere from 6am until 5pm the day before and one 2 hour stop in the middle of nowhere in the early evening....I woke up to a Mongolian sunrise and to the beautiful rolling green, dreamy hills and sights that I had always imagined, finally seeing it with my own eyes and not through someone else's.......I cannot explain the euphoria of just being right here right now on this train watching a dream come true outside my window.
In this exact second Eddie Vedder's 'Hard Sun' just came through my headphones and I could not be happier...I'm here with my two very best friends in this moment, in this place......just a moment I will never forget.

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